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17 Dec Most Affordable Fender Guitars 2020
0 4017
The other day, I met this customer in a music store trying every guitar that he saw, that looked good to his eyes. I spent quite some time in the showroom, as, I became curious of what people look for when they visit a music store. I came to understa..
22 Nov How to Choose a Guitar Amp
0 3508
Now that you can play your guitar well, and you’re set up with your first electric guitar, What next? When it comes to choosing electric guitar amps, you realize that Guitar amps come in all shapes and sizes, with many options to choose from. Before ..
16 Sep What to Look For When Buying a Keyboard
1 2227
When you want to buy your first keyboard, it’s often confusing to know exactly what to get. Keyboard or Piano? Or do you actually want a Digital Piano? And what are the differences between the two?The most important fact is that from the smallest t..
16 Sep Guitar String Buying Guide
0 1275
There are a ton of different things that can affect your  guitar‘s sound — the wood used, how often you clean it, and, of course, the strings that you decide on using. But just how much can different strings affect your sound? And what exactly do..
16 Sep Factors to Consider When Buying a Bass Guitar
0 2383
 Factors to Consider when buying a Bass guitarPurpose and Budget When it comes to buying a new bass guitar, many people enter the world of bass guitars blindly, not knowing whether to go for a 4-string, 5-string, or even being able to answer the q..
Showing 1 to 5 of 5 (1 Pages)


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